Sunday After All Saints Sermon
Blessed are the CEO’s making millions of dollars, for they will accomplish the American Dream, receiving every material thing they have ever wanted. Blessed are the large companies of our time, Nike, Microsoft, Enron, Halliburton for they will perpetuate consumer culture, helping people mindlessly conform to their mores, values and norms. Blessed are our politicians, for they will show our strength by building empires throughout the world. Blessed are Professional Athletes, for theirs will be the ring, the trophy and championship and a giant paycheck. Blessed are the extremists, Christian, Muslim and all others, for they will cause fear in all they hate and bring judgment upon all they fear. Blessed are all our actors and actresses for they will pretend to see God. Blessed are the automobile, gun and airplane manufacturers, for they will destroy the earth. And blessed are those of us who are silent about the injustices of the poor, ignoring the signs on every corner of our city; those ...