
Showing posts from April, 2011

I'm giving 101% from now on

Enough with this 110%, that ain't nothing compared to 101%! Give 101% Thanks to Don, via Ed, for this one. God Bless!

Teh Anglican Covenant

As we begin to form our own opinion and recommendation, here is one, that isn't so surprising, but is, none the less helpful. Check this Link.

Global Hunger and Some Solutions

My Colleague, Jim Gertmenian, pastor at Plymouth Congregational Church just emailed this to me.  It is quite moving, and inspiring.  How can we at Gethsemane move our food ministry to begin to explore our role and efforts in resolving global hunger? The video is on the The World Bank's website . Watch it and let me know what you think.

Sermon 5 Lent, Sunday April 10, 2011

It was a beautiful evening, my friends had all been drinking and partying and having a great time.   For whatever reason I wasn’t in the mood.   I wasn’t interested in shots or chasers or alcohol.   Which was odd, because this was the last night for a year that I would not be carrying the great responsibility of others on my shoulders.   I would return the next afternoon to college students, mostly freshman, wide eyed and completely unsure of themselves or so sure of themselves you wanted to punch them.   So it was unusual for me to not want to be part of the party. I walked down to the dock on the lake, it was dark and the stars were out in full force.   You know when you go to the wilderness in Minnesota it usually is on a lake or in the midst of trees.   Wilderness in Minnesota is vastly different from the wilderness Jesus experienced.   Grouse, deer, poplar trees, walleye, bass, these are the things I think of when I think of wilderness, th...