Advent 1A Sermon, Nov 27, 2022
As many of you heard last week, I love Advent. I love Advent for two reasons. First, Advent is the start of the new liturgical year, and this year we head into what is called Year A, so the readings we will hear over the next year are a little more familiar and a little more fun to read. It is particularly poignant this year, as this is the first Advent in about eight years that I will engage in the process of being made new. Eight years ago, when I left the Church, I was angry, hurt and very unclear about what my future would hold. After a year plus of hard work, it became clear that whatever work I did put in to transforming my personal life and atoning for the things I did would not be enough. So I felt betrayed. I continued to work, but I lost track of the liturgical year. I lost track of the joy I feel when approaching these kinds of liminal moments in our lives. The second reason I love Advent is because it gives me a moment, four weeks actually, to explore this hair-brained idea...