
Showing posts from March, 2010

Sermon Notes, Lent 3: Too Big To Fail

(Vicar's note: I went off the cuff and didn't record my sermon from Sunday, so the below is a brief synopsis.) I have been reading Sorkin's book, "Too Big To Fail" and learning a little bit about this whole economic melt down and how it got started, and why it happened and how it was encouraged by the actions of a few. Interesting book, I like it and enjoy it. What I find fascinating is the drive to succeed and the complete unwillingness to fail on the part of the main characters of the Wall Street Investment Banks. They were so confident in what they were doing, had been through so much that were driven to believe that they could never fail. Having just finished the Olympics, I saw the same kind of mentality on the slopes, in the rinks, all over the place, people who were simply unwilling to fail, unwilling to lose, unwilling to finish second. The difference between the Olympics and W@all Street of course, is that someone always finished second and the athle...