Vigil of Pentecost/Day of Pentecost Sermon
When I first began to sense a call to the ordained ministry in my own life, I felt as if I had been sent out into the great and vast wide open sea in a small insignificant life raft. It was mostly scary, it was sometimes fun, it was, to say the least an adventure. At one point when I was asking questions about how God was working in my life, I emailed an Episcopal Priest who was the Episcopal Chaplain at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I had met him at a young adult conference in St. Louis and was drawn to his wisdom. He wrote to me shortly after that and, during a particularly bumpy time in my life, said: If you are confused – Thank God! If you do not have all the answers – Thank God! If you do not know exactly what God is up to – Thank God! If you have to wait up on the Lord – Thank God! There are no shortcuts to grace. Our home is NOT the destination, but the journey St. Anselm said, “I do not understand so that I may believe, I believe so that I may understand....