Addendum: More thoughts about Mission & Theology
More ?proof? that theology flows from mission.
Our current idea of the mission field, of the mission we have to do is that it is out there, in some distant land, far away from us, far away from this place. It is a place that is only visited by the bold, the people called to uproot themselves and be changed. The people that are called to explore.
Our current theology is a God that is far away from us, think Bette Midler's song, "From A distance, God is watching us". God is distant doling out punishment and forgiveness upon other people, people we do not know. God's work here is done, we have civilized this country and made it in the image of God and therefore God is no longer needed, at least no longer needed in an intimate way.
So what if the mission field is in our back yard. What if the mission field is here and now, what if we are surrounded by the other, surrounded by people and places that have never experienced the Good News of God in Christ? Or have never experienced mission as a relational, sacramental imaginal and wonderful presence?
Would the theology that flows out of that be about a God who is close to us, working among us, changing and transforming us? Would our theology be about an intimate relational experience of Christ and the Holy One? Would we seek and serve Christ in all people differently? Loving our neighbor as our self? Would we respect the dignity of every human being differently? What would repentance and reconciliation look like? What would our mission and ministry, what would our communities look like if we believed that God was close to us, among us, here and now.
Mission is the mother of theology. Theology flows out of our mission. Mission is not just what we DO, it is who we are. What does it mean then, to BE mission?
I love my job.
Be well,
Our current idea of the mission field, of the mission we have to do is that it is out there, in some distant land, far away from us, far away from this place. It is a place that is only visited by the bold, the people called to uproot themselves and be changed. The people that are called to explore.
Our current theology is a God that is far away from us, think Bette Midler's song, "From A distance, God is watching us". God is distant doling out punishment and forgiveness upon other people, people we do not know. God's work here is done, we have civilized this country and made it in the image of God and therefore God is no longer needed, at least no longer needed in an intimate way.
So what if the mission field is in our back yard. What if the mission field is here and now, what if we are surrounded by the other, surrounded by people and places that have never experienced the Good News of God in Christ? Or have never experienced mission as a relational, sacramental imaginal and wonderful presence?
Would the theology that flows out of that be about a God who is close to us, working among us, changing and transforming us? Would our theology be about an intimate relational experience of Christ and the Holy One? Would we seek and serve Christ in all people differently? Loving our neighbor as our self? Would we respect the dignity of every human being differently? What would repentance and reconciliation look like? What would our mission and ministry, what would our communities look like if we believed that God was close to us, among us, here and now.
Mission is the mother of theology. Theology flows out of our mission. Mission is not just what we DO, it is who we are. What does it mean then, to BE mission?
I love my job.
Be well,
To further borrow & adapt words from the recent BCMS position paper & from the baptismal covenant, this would involve large and small daily expressions, with God's help, of living in a way that is part of just and peacful human flourishing; that is concerned with right relationships; that seeks unity without erasing differences; that moves toward fullfillment of a vision of a communion of all, from which no person or part of creation is meant to be excluded; that involves concrete tasks of reconciliation; that helps us to learn to dwell imaginatively in the stories of our Scripture, that continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread & prayers; that persists in resisting evil; that proclaims by word and example good news of God in Christ; that seeks and serves Christ in all persons loving our neighbors as ourselves; that strives for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignitiy of every human being.
What would this look like very specifically and tangibly in my life today? Or in yours? (Tell me to help me see and understand the possibilities.)
I think effectively being part of this mission involves being both guests and hosts, repenters and forgivers, talkers and listeners, givers and receivers. In other words, it involves being in mutual relationship.
We are on and part of a mission field where the Spirit is moving in and around us and our neighbors. May we have eyes to see and ears to hear, along with the heart, mind and where-with-all to respond, constantly aligning ourselves more deeply with the ways and reign of God, that reign which is close at my back yard in the very next hour.