
Showing posts from March, 2008

ON THE DRIVE HOME... What the...

Driving into the Rosedale Mall parking lot I got stuck behind some horrible drivers, seriously, they were swerving in and out of lanes, stopping in poor places to stop, going as slow as they possibly could. After about 3 blocks of this I said, not too loudly, but loud enough to be heard, "What the..." That's it, just "What the..." Nothing more nothing less. As soon as I finished saying the..., Eliot screams at the top of his lungs in the back of the car, "HELL!!!" Then he continues screaming, almost singing, "What the Hell! What the Hell!!!" Not to be outdone, Naomi had to join in the fun as well. "What the Hell! What the Hell! What the Hell!" I know this one is my fault, because that is the one little habit I have never been able to give up, along with my use of the word damn. As part of the ground rules I used to make in Youth Group for my Sr High group, I would say, no swearing allowed, except for hell and damn. Hell beca...

ON THE DRIVE HOME... Waving, waving and more waving

So Wednesday was a big day. Naomi at one point, some time after our conversation about weird and strange people, started waving at the people in a truck next to us while we were stopped at a stoplight. The two men in the big bad truck just stared, men have a way of not seeing that ultimately astounds me. I know, because I fall into that category often. She was waving and waving and waving, her hand held high, she became quite exasperated and disappointed these guys who were staring right at here weren't waving back. I asked her if she thought they were weird and strange, her response an emphatic and loud, "YEAH!" After which she continued to wave at everybody.

ON THE DRIVE HOME... People are wonderful

Eliot has taken to wearing a pink dress lately, dancing to the soundtrack of Juno, and other music, and just fully enjoying his life at home as a ballerina. It has been a joy to watch and if I can get the videos off my phone card someday I will post them, much, I am sure, to his eventual chagrin. On the drive home yesterday, Wednesday, I was talking (to myself) about how Church people have to have names, I said out loud, "everyone has to have their own name!" Eliot responded, "why do people need their own names daddy?" I said, probably entirely inappropriately, "Because people are weird and strange Eliot." For the past couple of days I have been working on creating a disk of reflections by Desmond Tutu that I can give as a gift. One of the reflections is titled "People are Wonderful". Bishop Tutu talks about how in all his life the one thing he has learned is that people are wonderful. Eliot responded to my weird and strange comment not with ...

A New Topic

I realized the other day that I had an opportunity to blog that I had been missing, and might just be the kicker to get me a little more motivated and in practice to get some things written here and what not. My life has drastically changed recently with Sara taking a new job at Target. I take the kids to Daycare M T & W at 8AM and pick them up at 4PM those days as well. suffice it to say, my usual pattern of getting through the days has changed. Anyway, the rides to and from Daycare everyday offer up wonderful little bits of joy that I thought I should share with you all. I will call it, ON THE DRIVE HOME... My first post will follow this one. Be well, A+

Easter Sermon 2008

Reynolds Price is a novelist, he writes from a wheelchair because of a rare spinal cancer that almost killed him 20 years ago. He wrote a book called “A Whole New Life” in which he writes about the healing vision of Jesus that he believes saved his life. In an interview with the Oxford Review he said, “When you undergo huge traumas everybody is in league with us to deny that the old life is ended. Everybody is trying to patch us up and get us back to who we were, when in fact what we need to be told is, You’re dead. Who are you going to be tomorrow?” Who are you going to be tomorrow? Most of us will walk into work tomorrow morning after having spent time with family, time that for some of us might be excruciatingly painful, and for others, sweet joy and happiness. But most of us will walk into work on Monday morning and enter into our old lives, follow our old patterns and in the end be unchanged by this earth shattering event that has happened. What if, instead of walking from ...