ON THE DRIVE HOME... What the...
Driving into the Rosedale Mall parking lot I got stuck behind some horrible drivers, seriously, they were swerving in and out of lanes, stopping in poor places to stop, going as slow as they possibly could. After about 3 blocks of this I said, not too loudly, but loud enough to be heard, "What the..." That's it, just "What the..." Nothing more nothing less. As soon as I finished saying the..., Eliot screams at the top of his lungs in the back of the car, "HELL!!!" Then he continues screaming, almost singing, "What the Hell! What the Hell!!!" Not to be outdone, Naomi had to join in the fun as well. "What the Hell! What the Hell! What the Hell!" I know this one is my fault, because that is the one little habit I have never been able to give up, along with my use of the word damn. As part of the ground rules I used to make in Youth Group for my Sr High group, I would say, no swearing allowed, except for hell and damn. Hell beca...