So, for the first time ever, I celebrated Eucharist in my shorts, shoes and clergy shirt. That's it, just clothes and a stole, no alb, no nothing! HOLY COW!, it is hot down here, amazingly hot. So hot, the AC in my office is struggling to keep up. The 8AM service, at 8AM, was recorded as 85 degrees as I walked into the sanctuary. The 10AM service was hot up near the altar, while, thanks to some strategic fan maneuvering, it was not all that bad down in the pews. I got up a couple of times to adjust the fans so the blew on me and Barbara, out guest preacher, who did a tremendous job!
I don't know about this building, it is crazy hot in there, and there doesn't seem to be any sort of respite in site. Ugh. I am not looking forward to the heat in there from this afternoon as we prepare for the 4:30PM service. Only a month more of this stuff, and then guess what, WINTER ARRIVES!!! YAY!!! I love winter and the cold. My favorite season is fall though, so I am really looking forward to September!
Be well, be cool!