And speaking of Ben...

When I was in Seminary in Berkeley Ca, there was only one other person who was under the age of 60. Ben and I were the youngest members of the class, everyone else was very much older than we were which was somedays a whole heck of a lot of fun and others not so fun. (60 is a bit of an exaggeration, but almost true...)

Anyway, Ben keeps a blog on Blogger as well, in fact he is the one that brought me over here and got me inspired to do this blogging thing. So thanks to Ben it has been tons of fun doing this whole thing. Ben recently wrote a very funny blog that made me laugh out loud and harder than I have in some time. Being a priest is definitely a VERY HARD THING!!! Click here for the post.

Be well,


Emily said…

Was my spouse in a different class from yours? Cause I'm pretty sure he would have been in that "under 60" group. Unless there's something he's not telling me. . .

Dave was under 60??? Naw, he was definitely over 60, it was the balding head that should have tipped you off!

Yes, Dave was in our class, and he was one of us too! How is the old man anyway??!!

Will you guys be at Convnention this Spring??? Sara will, I won't unfortunately.
Laurie said…
Aron, I mean A+, I found a better character for you than the plus sign.

here it is: †

check it out. a little cross!
Emily said…

No, David's doing a session of diocesan camp (so he will definitely be an old man after six days with the kids). I'll be holding down the fort here at St. C's and keeping an eye on the cats.

I was at the whole thing in '03 as an ECW delegate, so half of me is sad not to go, and half of me is relieved.

Dave is doing well in his new job. But we do need to come north and visit one of these days.

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