What does the Episcopal Church have to offer???
In the past six months at Gethsemane, I have discovered that when people walk through the doors they feel at home. They feel at home because they understand it is a place where they can let all the pretense of their busy lives go and truly live into God's call to simply be humans, being.
I have also discovered a vast interest in the study of scripture; people want to know more, not just details of the biblical stories, but history, context and application. How does the commandment Jesus gave us, love one another as I have loved you really impact our life of faith.
Our percept data tells us that people overwhelmingly are seeking "historic Christian" Tradition. To me that means people are seeking deeper meaning, and more "vintage" Church, opportunities to feel part of a multicultural, multiclass, intergenerational community that has a deep memory, yet is willing to add more stories to its vision for the future. The Episcopal Church, primarily through its liturgy, offers that memory and openness to embrace people on their journeys and bring meaningful community and spiritual action into their lives.
The Episcopal Church in Minnesota is able to offer this deep memory in a very meaningful way, especially through the sharing of, as Howard Anderson has said, our DNA; the history of the Diocese, its parishes and people bring such strength to who we are as Episcopalians in this place, people desire greatly to be connected to community with the sort of history and social action and meaningful ministry that has been accomplished throughout the state by Minnesota Episcopalians.
The Episcopal Church is the best place, in my opinion, for all people to come together, set aside their agendas, not their differences, their agendas, and see the great need in the world for listening and dialogue. This Church is one of the last remaining arenas where people of all stripes can come together no matter what and seek to change the world. Living in the via media, the middle way, offers so much to people who are seeking to disconnect from the yelling and the hardness of either end of any particular spectrum, a place to enter into dialogue about what it means to be a Christian and to do mission that is transformative.