The City is where we work out our corporate life.

So, I have been wanting for some time to have regular posts and what not, but have never really been able to get motivated about it in one way or another. So one of my work new year resolution is to take 2 hours or so a week and blog two different things.

First, the title of this post has been a phrase that has been clinging to me for some time, so I am going to do some Bible Study on the word and concept of "the City" in Scripture. I want to see how cities functioned in the OT and the NT. I want to listen to the Word of God and hear how this line, "The City is where we work out our corporate life" can change or transform or affirm our minstry here in the Garden in Downtown Minneapolis. I imagine it will be both fun and wonderful, and challenging and difficult to hear, but I want to try it.

Second, the BCMS stuff is still out there, and after spending all of Advent studying it with members of the congregation there are many things to say and to think about. So I will blog a little about that for a while. It was a good experience, with many different insights into what that text said and means for us as a congregation and as a Diocese.

So, hopefully I will be able to do this, before you think 2 hours is a lot, I am going to spend those two hours in study and writing, so it should be good. But not extensive. I hope you, my faithlful 2 readers will participate in a conversation about all this with me.

Thanks, and be well,


Anonymous said…
I am guessing there are more than 2 of us, although calling myself a faithful reader might be a stretch. Read when I remember, when I think about you and your family, when I remember to pray... ok - somewhat faithful. Looking forward to it.
Monica said…
Sounds good. I'll talk with you, which I enjoy doing while I have the chance. At the moment I'm mindful of how, even though we need programs for practical reasons, what I really want & what it really comes down to is connections. Lara's recent article in the Gethsemane e-news was so on track!

I find this idea about city interesting. Probably related to the personal contexts in which I've had opportunity to reflect on the meaning and implications of city. The more I think about that the more of those contexts I remember. So I won't ramble on about them on your blog. I'll take a stab at saying more about that on my Grown Up in Church blog. You can go there & be one of my 2 readers if you're interested.
Anonymous said…
This is a crucial but very broad focus because, today, with the primary exception of food production, the City is the World. When Jesus tells his disciples to go from town to town, in today's context, it means going from neighborhood to neighborhood. However, when we're planted in a particular neighborhood, if it seems not to be welcoming us, it's too late to shake the dust off our feet. The challenge seems, instead, to be: Go deeper. Listen more carefully. Know if more fully and, thereby, gain its trust, receptivity, and participation.

I hope our whole congregation can join the study.

Look! Three people have read my blog!
I have posted my first attempt, so check it out if you can.

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