Food is our Mission. Make food your mission

I was standing in our driveway when I man approached me and asked, “Are you associated with the parish here, and the garden over there?” I responded, yes, and he let out an exasperated sigh, and said, “There were two men who stole a melon from the garden, I thought you should know that.”

That’s what it’s there for, was my brief response. Our Garden is not there for us, it is there for us in that it is an opportunity to participate in God’s call to us for mission in our neighborhood. The fruits of our labors are meant for those who are willing to take the food from our garden. It is not ours.

Food is our mission, and it will remain our mission for at least the next year. I want us to buy into this mission effort we are participating in, because there is nothing we have been called to do more clearly than this mission around food. God is in this work, God is clearly asking us to do this work. On Monday, the Junior class from Breck school walked into our sanctuary with bags of food they had gathered in an hour and a half of work.

What can we do to help you buy into this work that we are doing? Cooking classes? Healthy eating habits? Local restaurant visits? Be Eucharistic people? As we prepare for the fall help us make this mission of food more fully part of our lives together. We have been called, we are being transformed, we are being made new. Let’s eat!


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