Feeling Simply Blah

"There are plenty of good reasons for fighting," I said, "but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive."

This is from Mother Night, written by Kurt Vonnegut.

I have never read anything by Vonnegut, apparently I have been missing out. It looks like he has some really fun quotes.

Bishop Jelinek spoke these words at the UEC last night, in his homily, it was the first time I had heard the quote.

Sunday's Gospel talks about how Jesus said to the disciples, "everyone will know you by your love for one another".

At our Good Friday service, I talked about how instead of everyone knowing us Christians as a loving group, we tend to be more filled with hate for one another.

I am reading another book, called We are Here Now, and it talks about people, particularly, pastors/ministers like me who say such things and the book calls me an armchair critic.

Instead of leading the faithful on a journey of spiritual discovery and in prayer, I am critiquing the culture and not allowing any kind of change to happen in our world. World of course being our local church.

Not sure what my point in all this was, except that I can't wait to read the next chapter that will tell me about how to be a good leader...


There have been some really really exciting developments and some really really exciting conversations that have happened here at the Church that inspire me to no end to learn how to be a better leader, a better missionally oriented Christian and to move forward with some opportunties for mission and ministry that I thought I would never be able to accomplish. I am so excited for our future.

Church. The final frontier.

Or not.

OK, I am a bit bored today as there has been ZERO goings on here in the city, no accidents, no doorbell ringing, no good mail. I am feeling simply blah, which I should probably give thanks for becasue God only knows what tomorrow will bring.

All will be well, all is well,
So be well,


JKSk8terboy said…
Read Cat's Cradle or Slaughter House Five.

You should save up energy for the major acting on Sunday!

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