Describing our Services
Greetings All, As part of the process of looking at our liturgy we are preparing a brochure about our services. Below is the description of the 10am service, any ideas to add or make it better? Make some comments! Thanks A+ 10:00AM Sunday Mornings : Lively; Family; Communion What do you think of when you think of Church? Music? Preaching? Families? Jell-O Molds? When you think of church, our 10AM the service is what you might be imagining. Steeped in Historic Christian Tradition, Gethsemane embraces progressive, all inclusive spirituality. There is great diversity of people at the 10AM service, all ages, and all kinds of families and we welcome people from every race, class and creed to join us in the Garden. As part of our 10AM service you will experience, music, prayers, preaching and other rituals. Music is choir led and accompanied by organ or piano, and on the fourth Sunday of every month Jazz Pianist Laura Caviani leads a Jazz Mass featuring Pete Whitman and Daryl Boudreau...