The First Post of June

June 2nd, in a few months I will have been at Gethsemane for a year, September 1st to be exact. It is amazing how the seasons of the year seem to dictate the pace and the events that happen within the Church and maybe even the world. This Sunday, the 4th of June is Pentecost Day, a pretty important day for the Church... It is the birthday of the Church, the day when the disicples were called to go out into the world doing the work Jesus started and they were called to continue. It is the day when the Holy Spirit is given to us, a day when we are filled with the Holy Spirit in a way that only God can offer, a simple gift.

Anyway, as we head into Pentecost at seemingly breakneck speed, the ministry and call of Jesus that we have been priviliged to continue, reveals itslef all over. This month the folks from Youthlink will be coming to the Bishop's Committee to talk about their programs and how they can join us in a relationship that will transform hearts, and this community. The most exciting part is that this connection is a resurrection of sorts, a resurrection of the relationship Gethsemane has with the old St. Barnabas Hospital it began many many years ago, now known as St. Barnabas Apartments. Talk about prophetic and amazing and brilliant, I am so excited about what could happen. NO, what WILL happen!!!

Also, it looks like we will be partnering with Augustana Lutheran Church and hopefully Elliot Park Neighborhood and, cross your fingers, AP Atelier Cafe, to put on a Music and the Arts in Elliot Park series. Very cool, Ellen Stanley (Gethsemane) and Amanda Weitzel (Augustana) have laid the ground work for some very cool things to happen. Stay tuned for more info. And to top all of that off, some opportunities for ministry at the U of M are surfacing, some exciting relationships are building with other Churches, Episcopal Churches in the metro area and we have the opportunity to take some initiative with HCMC down the street. We are filled to the brim here at Gethsemane with the Holy Spirit, we need some people to share our abundant and overflowing experience!!!

Life is GOOD! Not to mention Grand! And the World Cup starts in a week! I am so happy right now!

Be well,


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