Describing our Services

Greetings All,
As part of the process of looking at our liturgy we are preparing a brochure about our services. Below is the description of the 10am service, any ideas to add or make it better? Make some comments!

10:00AM Sunday Mornings : Lively; Family; Communion
What do you think of when you think of Church? Music? Preaching? Families? Jell-O Molds? When you think of church, our 10AM the service is what you might be imagining.

Steeped in Historic Christian Tradition, Gethsemane embraces progressive, all inclusive spirituality. There is great diversity of people at the 10AM service, all ages, and all kinds of families and we welcome people from every race, class and creed to join us in the Garden.

As part of our 10AM service you will experience, music, prayers, preaching and other rituals. Music is choir led and accompanied by organ or piano, and on the fourth Sunday of every month Jazz Pianist Laura Caviani leads a Jazz Mass featuring Pete Whitman and Daryl Boudreaux.

Our Children’s area, on the south side of the sanctuary, known as the “kids’ mosh pit” provides an area for children to be active and parents to participate fully in the service. Following our 10AM service, during the school year, Sunday school is offered for 1st through 8th grades. Children of all ages are welcome to participate actively in our 10AM service.


Anonymous said…
Just a word of caution, it is risky when specific names are used in written brochures. We love them, but if Laura, Pete, or Daryl leave fo some reason the brochure will be instantly out of date.

Anonymous said…
Hey Aron,
It's Laura Amendola writing. I just realized that I don't have your email. So instead I am posting the link to a story the Duluth News Tribune did on my recent trip here in your blog. It even mentions your wife! So now that I'm home we really do have to nail a time down for me to come down and present the MDG stuff I have. I also have an awesome statement Kofi gave the same time we were at the UN relating the World Cup to the United Nations. I think you'll really enjoy it! Anyway, my email is shoot me one so I have your address. And here is the link

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